
RLSS UK National Pool Lifeguard Qualifications

Training Management

Lifeguard Training
For more information contact 01202 872233

RLSS UK National Pool Lifeguard Qualification

Governed by the Royal Lifesaving Society UK, Pinnacle offers the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (Foundation Module), which is the generic module for lifeguards to undertake poolside duties. As an Approved RLSS UK/IQL/ISRM Registered Training Centre, we also train the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (Professional Module).

NARS National Beach Lifeguard Qualification

Governed by the Surf Life Saving Association GB. This qualification is run over six days, and is the minimum requirement for employment as a Beach Lifeguard. The course includes Beach Theory, Aquatic rescue techniques, First Aid and Resuscitation using Supplementry Oxygen. All courses are trained by RLSS / ISRM and SLSA Trainer Assessors who have a vast experience within Local Government, MoD, Coastguard, NHS, Private Enterprise and an array of local and National Bodies.